The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.
The following new acquisitions are also available to read online by authenticating with your library card number.
Through Project Muse
Against Autobiography: Albert Memmi and the Production of Theory
Lia Nicole Brozgal, 2013
A Final Reckoning: A Hannover Family's Life and Death in the Shoah
Ruth Gutmann and Kenneth Waltzer, 2014
In the Shadow of Hitler: Alabama's Jews, the Second World War, and the Holocaust
Dan J. Puckett, 2014
Through Oxford Scholarship Online
Are You Not a Man of God?: Devotion, Betrayal, and Social Criticism in Jewish Tradition
Tova Hartman and Charlie Buckholtz, 2014
A Journey of Two Psalms: The Reception of Psalms 1 and 2 in Jewish and Christian Tradition
Susan Gillingham, 2014
Through University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO)
Diasporas of the Mind: Jewish and Postcolonial Writing and the Nightmare of History
Bryan Cheyette, 2014