The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.
The following new acquisitions are also available to read online by authenticating with your library card number.
Through Project Muse
Colonial Jerusalem: The Spatial Construction of Identity and Difference in A City of Myth, 1948-2012 by Thomas Philip Abowd
That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South by Caroline E. Light
Tradition and the Formation of the Talmud by Moulie Vidas
We Called Him Rabbi Abraham: Lincoln and American Jewry, A Documentary History
Through Oxford Scholarship Online
Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era by Julia Phillips Cohen
Jabotinsky: A Life by Hillel Halkin
That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South by Caroline E. Light