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Stefan Zweig's New Life


Stefan Zweig is experiencing a major comeback in the English-speaking world. The works of fiction of this Austrian Jewish writer (1881-1942) are being reissued in new translations, including his novels such as Beware of Pity and The Post-Office Girl; and director Wes Anderson says that his delightful new film, Grand Budapest Hotel, was "inspired" by Zweig's writings. And now a new biography, by George Prochnik, is appearing: The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the World. This biography, which examines Zweig's last years, is the subject of a "LIVE from the NYPL" conversation on May 6 between George Prochnik and the Director of LIVE, Paul Holdengraber; this event is also the 2014 Joy Gottesman Ungerleider Lecture, with support from the Dorot Jewish Division.

Zweig grew up in turn of the century Vienna, a unique time and place. It was the capital of the Habsburg empire, that most ethnically mixed and jumbled of the old European empires. It seemed to provide a special home for the acculturated Jewish bourgeoisie, of which Zweig was a member. Even after the collapse of the empire at the end of World War I, Vienna retained to some degree a culturally Jewish character. It was only with the rise of European fascism and Nazism in the 1930s, and the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria by Nazi Germany in 1938, that this world finally and fully disappeared. By this time Zweig had been in exile for several years, moving to England and subsequently to the United States and eventually, Brazil.

Zweig was an enormously popular writer in the interwar years. He remembered of the 1920s, that despite all of Europe's difficulties, "Once more one could work, concentrate inwardly, apply oneself to things of the spirit. One might even dream again and hope for a united Europe." In his moving autobiography, World of Yesterday, he comments that he had learned, from a League of Nations report, "that I was then [in the 1930s] the most-translated author in the world (but true to my disposition I doubted the correctness of the report.)"

But Zweig's last years were difficult ones, years of wandering among places of exile. Through this time, he felt a deep isolation and depression. In his last home, in Brazil, he and his wife took their own lives. These last years are the ones that Impossible Exile focuses on.

In his last letter, he expressed "heartfelt thanks to this wonderful land of Brazil which afforded me and my work such kind and hospitable repose… nowhere else would I have preferred to build up a new existence, the world of my own language having disappeared for me and my spiritual home, Europe, having destroyed itself.

"But after one's sixtieth year unusual powers are needed in order to make a wholly new beginning. Those that I possess have been exhausted by long years of homeless wandering. So I think it better to conclude in good time and in erect bearing a life in which intellectual labor meant the purest joy and personal freedom the highest good on earth."

The Europe he had loved and worked in was now gone; he was in despair at its self destruction, and he was weary of exile. In George Prochnik's words (in an interview with National Public Radio), "It's critical… to realize how deeply he identified himself with Europe… When Zweig began to feel that the Europe that he had known was gone for good, he lost a lot of his motivation to keep going…

"This Europe that was so invested in aesthetics, in beauty, in civilized tolerance was very much gone by the time of his suicide. But he knew that, in letting that dream go, he was going to be also relinquishing his will to live." He adds that Zweig would be "astonished" to see the revival of interest in his work. But that is exactly what is happening in the United States, and we have LIVE and its Director, and George Prochnik, to thank for what will certainly be a wonderful program on May 6.

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: February 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers. Thank you to Christopher Zhao for his help with this post.

Yiddish Theater Posters of the 1890s


The New York Public Library’s Digital Collection includes Yiddish theater posters dating back more than a hundred years. These ephemeral pieces, with their bold titles, portraits of actors, and exuberant descriptions of plays, illustrate the dynamic Yiddish theater tradition in two major centers: New York and Buenos Aires. Together with hundreds of manuscripts, photographs, books, periodicals, and sheet music, they comprise one of the largest Yiddish theater collections in the world.

“Hell and Heaven”

The earliest posters utilize detailed illustrations, such as this one for  “Gehenem un gan-eydn” (literally, “hell and heaven”) by Abraham Goldfaden, starring Morris Finkel (pictured), who was also the director and business manager. This “famous comic opera” of January 8, 1891, at the Romanian Opera House in New York, promises new decorations, costumes and scenery. Sheet music for a duet from the opera was published in 1897. In a truly hellish twist, Finkel later shot and disabled his wife, Emma Thomashefsky Finkel (sister of Boris Thomashefsky) and then killed himself in a grisly real-life tragedy that shocked the Yiddish theater world.

“Gehenem un gan-eydn” starring Morris Finkel, January 8, 1891, at New York’s Romanian Opera House. Image ID: 435120

“Positively the last production”

The placard below advertises “Kidesh ha-shem” [literally, “sanctification of the name”], a historical drama about Jewish martyrdom by the Yosef Latayner, an ever-prolific playwright known for the quantity, rather than the quality, of his work.  Starring Sigmund and Dina Feinman (pictured), the cast included other heavyweights like Boris and Bessie Thomashefsky, Bertha Kalich, Sophia Carp, Rudolph Marks and [Max] Rosenthal. This was “positively the last production”, with performances scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 30 and 31, [1891?].

Kidesh ha-shem, starring Sigmund and Dina Feynman. Image ID: 435096

Pioneering Prima Donna

The benefit advertised above was held on Thursday, January 5, 1893 at the Thalia (formerly Bowery) Theatre, a popular early Yiddish venue at 46-48 Bowery, whose gallery is home today to the Jing Fong Chinese restaurant. The beneficiary, Sophia Karp (1859-1904), was probably the first Yiddish actress, starting her career at age 16 with Abraham Goldfaden and being the first to sing the famous “Eli, eli, lomo azavtoni” (later recorded by Belle Baker). The brochure’s extremely Daytshmerish text (a prententious Germanic style of the time meant to convey sophistication)  proclaims Karp’s status as a prima donna of the “Yiddish-German” theater of New York and invites audience members to an (unnamed) opera. The benefit performance—both for actors and for charitable organizations—was a frequent occurrence and helped to guarantee an audience on weekdays.

January 5, 1893 benefit poster for Madame Sophie Karp. Image ID: 435095

For “Appreciators of True Art”

Speaking of Daytshmerish, this next poster for “Di zilberne hokhtsayt” [The silver wedding] use the German “hochzeit” instead of the Yiddish “khasene” for the word “wedding”. The text admonishes “appreciators of true art... not to miss this evening….which each person can only enjoy once in a lifetime”.

“Di zilberne hokhtsayt” was based on a popular Russian melodrama, Vtorai︠a︡ molodostʹ [Second Youth] by  P.M. Nevezhin and featured Boris Thomashefsky, Sophia Karp, the comic Berl Bernstein, Madame Epstein, Mr. Conrad, Dora Dubinski and Sabina Weinblatt.

The “Fereynigte Idishe Shoyshpiler Gezelshaft” [United Yiddish Actors’ Society] sponsored this benefit performance on January 30, 1894 for the play’s author/adapter, Yaakov Ter (1850-1935, pictured) who sold tickets at his home at 39-41 Suffolk Street. Ter, whose name stamp appears on the right, donated Yiddish theater ephemera to NYPL, along with Chonon Jacob Minikes and Boris Thomashefsky.

“Di zilberne hokhtsayt” Image ID: 435134

Rosh Ha-Shanah Openers of 1898

From Friday night and Saturday performances, to High Holiday openers, the Yiddish theater mirrored (and for some, replaced) the synagogue. The poster below contains the traditional Rosh Ha-Shanah wish “Leshone toyve tikoseyvu” [May you be inscribed for a good year] and uses rhymed verses, like the Rosh Ha-Shanah cards of the time, to describe the performances scheduled on the holidays.

Shloyme ha-meylekh - Shelomoh ha-melekh, September 17, 1898. Image ID: 435106


Legendary actors Bertha Kalich (pictured) and David Kessler appeared in a performance called “the new and old Kol Nidre” by A. Sharkanski, named after the Yom Kippur prayer.  Bertha Kalich had already sung for Yom Kippur services in Bucharest, a terrifying and elating experience she describes in her memoirs in the newspaper Der Tog on July 8 and 11, 1925.  As for Sharkanski’s play, you can read it online and find associated sheet music by Louis Friedsell at NYPL and the Library of Congress.

The busy holiday season also included performances of “Shloyme ha-meylekh” [King Solomon] and “Hizkiyahu ha-meylekh, oder, di roze fun Kavkaz” [King Hezekiah, or, the Rose of the Caucasus] by another mass-market hack, “Professor” Moyshe Hurwitz; plus “Di Yudishe Vitse-Kenig” [The Jewish Viceroy]  by Sigmund Feinman and “Khanele di finisherin” [Khanele the Finisher]. Participating stars included Sigmund and Dina Feinman, Shmuel Tabatshnikov (Samuel Tobias), Hayne, Mary Wilensky, and Moshkovitsh.

For more Yiddish theater ephemera, visit these sites:

Read a previous blog post about NYPL's Yiddish theater collection: "The Yiddish Broadway and Beyond."

Learn more about the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project, an initiative involving NYPL.

Jüdischer Frontsoldaten: German-Jewish Soldiers in WWI


As the World War I exhibit "Over Here: WWI and the Fight for the American Mind" in the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building is just steps away from the Dorot Jewish Division, I wondered what in our collection would add to the story of World War I. What can we feature that supplements the wonderful display of American history shown in the exhibit?

I began looking at our collection to find materials that would attract a WWI history buff as well as anyone who casually passed through the exhibit. There is no single representation of early 1900s Jewish experience; Jewish soldiers served on both sides of the Great War. What I found most interesting was the mindset of Jewish soldiers fighting for Germany at the time. They fought to establish themselves and their identity as German Jews, fighting for a nation who would aim to eradicate their families in the decades to come. We see early signs of what was to come during the Great War, starting from the Judenzählung.

Judenzählung is German for "Jewish Census," which was conducted in October of 1916 by the German Military High Command. The purpose of it was to confirm the lack of patriotism of German Jews.

The Pity of it All by Amos Elon

"In October 1916, when almost three thousand Jews had already died on the battlefield and more than seven thousand had been decorated, War Minister Wild von Hohenborn saw fit to sanction the growing prejudices. He ordered a "Jew census" in the army to determine the actual number of Jews on the front lines as opposed to those serving in the rear. Ignoring protests in the Reichstag and the press, he proceeded with his head count. The results were not made public, ostensibly to "spare Jewish feelings." The truth was that the census disproved the accusations: 80 percent served on the front lines."(Elon, Amos. The Pity of It All. pg. 338)

Many Jews at the time were striving to be accepted and sought to prove their patriotism by fighting for Germany on the front lines. Our collection also houses a book (in German) of all Jewish soldiers who died fighting for Germany during the Great War, "Die jüdischen Gefallenen des deutschen Heeres, der deutschen Marine und der deutschen Schutztruppen, 1914-1918."

While thousands of Jewish soldiers perished fighting for Germany, anti-semitism only grew after the war. In 1919, General Erich Ludendorff blamed the Berlin government and the civilian population for the German surrender in November 1918. He gave rise to the "stab-in-the-back" myth, blaming the republicans who overthrew the monarchy. Since many Jews supported the Weimar Republic and were thought to be unpatriotic due to previous claims by the Judenzählung, they became a natural scape goat. In response to accusations of the lack of patriotism, German Jewish veterans published this leaflet in 1920: 

“To the German mothers! 12,000 Jewish soldiers fell on the field of honor for the fatherland. Christian and Jewish heroes fought side by side and rest side by side in foreign land. 12 000 Jews were killed in action! Furious party hatred does not stop at the graves of the dead. German women, do not tolerate that a Jewish mother is scorned in her grief.”
“To the German mothers! 12,000 Jewish soldiers fell on the field of honor for the fatherland. Christian and Jewish heroes fought side by side and rest side by side in foreign land. 12,000 Jews were killed in action! Furious party hatred does not stop at the graves of the dead. German women, do not tolerate that a Jewish mother is scorned in her grief.”

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: March 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

The list features topics such as Old Testament commentary, a memoir of a childhood in Poland before WWII, museums and psychology, the Russian Revolution, the Dead Sea Scrolls, rabbinical history, Esther, Ba'al Shem Tov, Carribean Sephardim, health, Hungary, alcohol, Ukraine, ghettos, Dr. Suess, post-WWII Jewish writing, Mumbai, and gluten-free kosher cooking.

Matzah and Melodrama: Nahum Stutchkoff's Yiddish Song Lyrics

Planter's Peanut Oil Stutchkoff
Planter’s High Hat Peanut Oil sponsored Stutchkoff’s radio comedy “In a Yidisher groseri” (In a Jewish Grocery), broadcast on Sunday afternoons in the late 1930s on WEVD radio. Ad from “Teater un radio velt”, no. 3 (November 1935).

Nahum Stutchkoff (1893-1965) was a beloved Yiddish radio personality, playwright, lyricist and linguist who created dramas and commercials for WEVD radio and compiled a Yiddish rhyming dictionary and thesaurus. Once a household name among New York Yiddish speakers, he even appeared in ads for Beech-Nut Gum, Seagram’s Whiskey, and Planter’s High Hat Peanut Oil.

Before his radio days, Stutchkoff worked as a translator, actor, playwright and lyricist. He began by translating plays from various European languages into Yiddish, and later wrote his own. More than 20 of his (unpublished) plays were performed in America, including titles like “Oy, Amerike!” (Oy, America!), “Di ganevte” (The Lady Thief) and “Ven Blinde Libn” (When Blind People Love). Many of these playscripts survive in his extensive archives in the Dorot Jewish Division, New York Public Library, and in the Library of Congress.

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Stutchkoff’s lyrics were published in sheet music composed by Sholom Secunda, Joseph Rumshinsky, Abe Ellstein, and Phillip Laskowsky. The lyrics appeared in transliteration in the music, with a separate Yiddish text of the original. A far cry from today’s standard Yiddish, the transliterations were, like many of their day, frequently riddled with typos and inconsistencies. These texts provide a fascinating look at Yiddish dialect and pronunciation, the use of English in Yiddish, and creative rhymes.

One of his biggest hits was “In mayne oygen biztu shehn” (In my eyes you are beautiful), with lyrics co-written by Molly Picon and music by Joseph Rumshinsky. Picon (as “Sadie”) and Leon Gold (as “Michail”) sang this duet in “Ganeyvishe libe”, (“The Love Thief”), Rumshinsky and Jacob Kalich’s “underground operetta” by Benjamin Ressler, performed at Molly Picon’s Folks Theatre, 12th Street and 2nd Avenue in 1931.

Picon and Ellstein
Actress/Singer/Lyricist Molly Picon and Composer Abe Ellstein; both wrote songs with Stutchkoff. Billy Rose Theatre Collection, New York Public Library of the Performing Arts. Image ID: nypl_the_4102

The New York Times reviewed the show on January 19, 1931, noting that the “sprightly” Picon “would blithely sing with the utmost seriousness the most absurd lyrics.”

The chorus included phrases like:

In mayne oygn bistu sheyn, sheyn vi di velt / In my eyes you are as beautiful as the world

Ikh ze in dir nit keyn khesorn, ales mir gefelt / I see no flaw in you, I like everything

Meg farrisn zayn bay dir dos neyzele / You may have a dirty nose

Megstu hobn seykhl vi an eyzele / You may have the sense of a donkey

In mayne oygn bistu sheyn, sheyn vi di velt / In my eyes you are as beautiful as the world

The song’s melody was later used for the WEVD radio theme song - you can hear a parody of it in this documentary from the Yiddish Radio Project.

Another popular song with lyrics by Stutchkoff and music by Abe Ellstein came from Stutchkoff’s 1929 operetta with the same name, “Az der rebe vil” (If the rabbi wants to). Ludwig Satz, a well-known Yiddish actor, recorded this comical title track on “Ludwig Satz at the Yiddish Theatre, Volume 2,” describing a wonder rabbi who performs ridiculous miracles, such as turning a duck into a tomcat.

Ludwig Satz
Ludwig Satz. Billy Rose Theatre Collection, New York Public Library of the Performing Arts. Image  ID: TH-49330

NYPL has the original play script for “Az der rebe vil” (without music) and Jane Peppler recently published sheet music and recorded the song based on her research with the Itzik Zhelonek collection.

Jennie Goldstein
Jennie Goldstein, Yiddish Tragedienne. Billy Rose Theatre Collection, New York Public Library of the Performing Arts. Image ID: TH-16553

“Brivelekh” (Letters) was another song featuring Stutchkoff’s lyrics, with music by Sholom Secunda, from the play “Shtief Shvester” (Stepsisters) by Louis Freiman, performed at the Rolland Theatre in Brooklyn in 1931. Here, Yiddish tragedienne Jennie Goldstein sang of a heartbroken, abandoned lover who finds comfort in her old love letters. Stutchkoff honed his talent for melodrama with creations like “Bay tate-mames tish” (“Around the family table”), a stage play and long-running radio show sponsored by the B. Manischewitz Matzo Co. NYPL’s Performing Arts Library even has a few surviving recordings of the show.

Speaking of Manischewitz, who could forget Stutchkoff’s famous Manischewitz Matzo jingle, where the matzah is “always fresh and always crunchy and snaps on your teeth”?  This popular song was composed by Sholom Secunda, Stutchkoff’s predecessor on the Jewish Children’s Hour, and sung by the talented young participants on WLTH radio.  According to Henry Sapoznik of the Yiddish Radio Project, Stutchkoff was famous for his amazingly descriptive commercials for matzo, among other products, and you can find some on their website.

Jewish Children's Hour
Nahum Stutchkoff center, with child on lap, with participants in the Jewish Children’s Hour, WEVD radio. The picture is signed by "Feter Nukhem" Uncle Nahum.

In recent years, Stutchkoff’s work has found a new audience through the award-winning Yiddish Radio Project, and through adaptations presented at The New York Public Library, National Yiddish Theater-Folksbiene and the New Yiddish Rep Theatre.

In 2014, the Forward Association (former owner of WEVD radio) published a collection of linguistic radio episodes, “Mame-Loshn” (mother tongue) edited by Leyzer Burko, based on NYPL’s Stutchkoff archives. It quickly became a Yiddish bestseller.

Want to experience Stutchkoff “live”? On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, at 7 pm, the Congress for Jewish Culture will present a program of readings and music at the National Opera Center, 330 7th Avenue (near 29th St.), 7th floor.

Research Links:

A Quick Guide to Jewish Periodicals


Historical Jewish Periodicals Online

Newspaper Image 1190564
Newspaper. George Arents Collection. Image ID: 1190564






AufbauGerman1934-2004New York, NYInternet Archive/Leo Baeck Institute
American JewessEnglish1895-1899Chicago, ILJewish Women’s Archive
“Az men zukht, gefint men” (collection)Yiddish1771-1962variousIndiana University - Bloomington
Compact Memory(collection)German1768-1939GermanyGoethe University
Die DeborahGerman1901-1902Cincinnati, OHHathiTrust
Florida Jewish Newspapers (collection)English1927-FloridaUniversity of Florida
ForvertsYiddish1999-presentNew York, NYForverts
Historical Jewish Press (collection)English, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Judaeo-Spanish, Russian, Yiddish1843-1987various

Historical Jewish Press

Jewish Community ChronicleEnglish1947-2000Long Beach, CACalifornia State Library - Long Beach
Jewish Post and OpinionEnglish1930-2005Indiana, KentuckyIndiana University
Jewish Sentinel English1911-1949ChicagoIllinois Digital Archives
Jewish Telegraphic AgencyEnglish1926-presentNew York, NYJewish Telegraphic Agency
Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project


English1895-1975Pittsburgh, PACarnegie Mellon University
Price Library of Judaica Anniversary CollectionDutch, English, German, Hebrew, Spanish, YiddishvariousvariousUniversity of Florida
ProQuest Historical Jewish Newspapers

(access at Library or remotely with Library card)

Southern IsraeliteEnglish1929-1986Atlanta, GAGeorgia Historic Newspapers
TsukunftYiddishvariousNew York, NYHathiTrust
Yidishe shprakhYiddish1941-Vilnius, Lithuania (Wilno, Poland) /New York, NYYIVO
YIVO BleterYiddish1931-Vilnius, Lithuania (Wilno, Poland) /New York, NYYIVO
Newsgirl, 1896
Photgraph by Alice Austen, The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Photography Collection. Image ID: 79768

Contemporary Periodical Indexes

Subway riders
Subway Riders, New York City, 1914. By F. Luis Mora. Image ID: 809888






Ethnic NewsWatch

(available at Library or remotely with Library card)

English1990-present36 periodicalsEthnic NewsWatch/ProQuest
Index to Jewish Periodicals (available at Library)English,1988-present200+ periodicalsIndex to Jewish Periodicals/EBSCO
Index to Yiddish PeriodicalsYiddish1862-800 periodicalsHebrew University of Jerusalem
RAMBIvarious1966-present1,000+ sourcesNational Library of Israel

Apply today for your free library card!

Need help? Contact us at 212-930-0601 or dorotjewish@nypl.org

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: April 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

The following new acquisitions are also available to read online by authenticating with your library card number.

Through University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO)

Memories of Absence: How Muslims Remember Jews in Morocco
Aomar Boum. Stanford University Press, 2013.

Glory and Agony: Isaac's Sacrifice and National Narrative
Yael S. Feldman. Stanford University Press, 2010.

Roads to Utopia: The Walking Stories of the Zohar
David Greenstein. Stanford University Press, 2014.

Through Oxford Scholarship Online

Profiling Jewish Literature In Antiquity: An Inventory, From Second Temple Texts to the Talmuds
Alexander Samely. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Remembering Biblical Figures in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods: Social Memory and Imagination
Diana Vikander Edelman. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2013.


A Child of Christian Blood: Murder and Conspiracy in Tsarist Russia: the Beilis Blood Libel
Edmund Levin. Schocken Books, 2014.

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: May 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

The following new acquisitions are also available to read online by authenticating with your library card number.

Through Project Muse

Against Autobiography: Albert Memmi and the Production of Theory
Lia Nicole Brozgal, 2013

A Final Reckoning: A Hannover Family's Life and Death in the Shoah
Ruth Gutmann and Kenneth Waltzer, 2014

In the Shadow of Hitler: Alabama's Jews, the Second World War, and the Holocaust
Dan J. Puckett, 2014

Through Oxford Scholarship Online

Are You Not a Man of God?: Devotion, Betrayal, and Social Criticism in Jewish Tradition
Tova Hartman and Charlie Buckholtz, 2014

A Journey of Two Psalms: The Reception of Psalms 1 and 2 in Jewish and Christian Tradition
Susan Gillingham, 2014

Through University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO)

Diasporas of the Mind: Jewish and Postcolonial Writing and the Nightmare of History
Bryan Cheyette, 2014

People of the (Online) Book: Jewish Texts Online


Here’s a brief guide to Jewish books online, including reference works, religious texts and literature. For periodicals, see our Quick Guide to Jewish Periodicals.

Psalterium, Hebreum, Grecũ, Arabicũ, & Chaldeũ, cũ tribus latinus ĩterp[re]tatõibus & glossis ... [title page].
Psalterium, Hebreum, Grecũ, Arabicũ, & Chaldeũ, cũ tribus latinus ĩterp[re]tatõibus & glossis ... [title page].1516. Rare Book Division, NYPL

Encyclopedias and Reference



Jewish calendarDanny Sadinoff, Michael J. Radwin

Holocaust Encyclopedia

Holocaust Studies, HistoryUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Jewish EncyclopediaJudaism, Jewish StudiesJewish Encyclopedia
Jewish Virtual LibraryJudaism, Jewish StudiesAmerican-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia

Jewish Women, Jewish HistoryJewish Women’s Archive

Judaism 101

Judaism, Jewish StudiesTracey R. Rich
YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern EuropeJews in Eastern Europe, Yiddish language, literature and cultureYIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Jewish Texts Online

HebrewBooks.orgSefarim, Hebrew and Yiddish textsSociety for the Preservation of Hebrew Books
Internet Sacred Text ArchiveReligion, Mythology, Folklore, Esoteric textsEvinity Publishing
Jewish Virtual LibraryJewish textsAmerican-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Online Resources for Talmud Research, Study, and TeachingTalmud, Rabbinic LiteratureHeidi Lerner, Association of Jewish Studies
Sefaria.orgJewish TextsSefaria
Yiddish Book Center (through Internet Archive)Yiddish literatureYiddish Book Center
Yizkor Books Online Jewish history, HolocaustNew York Public Library
Yizkor Book translationsJewish History, HolocaustJewishGen

General Online Book Sites

NYPL E-BooksElectronic BooksNYPL
HathiTrustOnline BooksHathiTrust
Project GutenbergOnline BooksProject Gutenberg
GoogleBooksOnline BooksGoogle
Internet ArchiveOnline Books and MediaInternet Archive

Digital Jewish Collections (Texts and Images)

Center for Jewish HistoryJewish history, Jewish StudiesCenter for Jewish History
Dorot Jewish Division, New York Public LibraryJewish texts, images, oral historiesNew York Public Library
Jewish Theological SeminaryJewish texts, ManuscriptsJewish Theological Seminary
Judaica EuropeanaJewish Studies (Europe)Judaica Europeana
National Library of IsraelJewish texts, manuscriptsNational Library of Israel

Celebrating Jewish LGBT Pride


In honor of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Pride Month in June, the Dorot Jewish Division recognizes the achievements of LGBT Jews in history and in the Library’s collection. Here are some key moments and figures.

Jewish Pioneers in LGBT Rights

Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) was a German Jewish doctor and author who fought to decriminalize homosexuality in Germany.

Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, 1901
“What the people must know about the third sex” was a 1901 publication of Magnus Hirschfeld’s Scientific-Humanitarian committee

Jeanne Manford, mother of a gay son, was a co-founder of PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) in 1973.

Miriam Ben-Shalom, an openly lesbian sergeant in the U.S. Army, spent decades fighting for LGBT rights in the military.

Retired senator Barney Frank of Massachusetts served as the first openly gay U.S. senator, coming out in 1987.

Joy Ladin, a poet, author, and Yeshiva University professor, is the first openly transgender person employed at an Orthodox Jewish institution.

Harvey Milk was a pioneering leader and one of the the first openly gay people elected to public office, and was assassinated a year after taking office.

Faygele ben Miriam, also known as John Singer, together with Paul Barwick, attempted to get the first same-sex marriage license in Seattle in 1971.

Author Leslea Newman’s often-banned Heather Has Two Mommies was the first children’s book to portray lesbian families in a positive way.

Edie Windsor successfully sued the U.S. government for recognition of her Canadian marriage to her late wife, Thea Spyer, ultimately overturning the “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) with her lawyer, Roberta Kaplan.

LGBT Achievements in Judaism

Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, established in 1973, is the world’s largest LGBT synagogue, led by Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum since 1992.

Rabbi Rebecca Alpert and Dr. Judith Plaskow have advocated through scholarship for feminist and LGBT-inclusive liturgy and ritual.

Rabbi Steven Greenberg, educated at Yeshiva University and author of Wrestling with God and Men, is considered the first openly gay Orthodox rabbi.

Trembling Before G-d, a 2001 film by Sandi Simcha Dubowski, was the first film to explore the lives of LGBT Orthodox Jews.

Rabbi Reuven Zelman became the first openly transgender rabbinical student in 2003, and in 2006, Rabbi Elliot Kukla became the first openly transgender rabbi, both at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Congregation Shaar Zahav of San Francisco published Siddur Shaar Zahav, the first Jewish LGBT prayer book, in 2009.

In 2015, Rabbi Denise Eger became the first openly gay or lesbian rabbi to head the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

On the shelves

Joan Nestle
Activist and author Joan Nestle co-founded the Lesbian Herstory Archives, the world's largest collection of materials by and about Lesbians. Image ID: 1661019

Evelyn Torton Beck edited Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology and published other works in Jewish Studies and Women’s Studies.

Warren J. Blumenfeldwrites and speaks about social justice, intersection of oppressions, and bullying prevention..

Kate Bornsteinwrites, speaks and performs about transgender and gender identity issues.

Judith Butler’s work concerns feminism, gender, and queer theory.

Martin Duberman
Scholar and author Martin Duberman’s archives are held at NYPL, which also has a research fellowship in his name for LGBT Studies. Image ID: 1661034

Lillian Faderman’s works highlight lesbian history in America.

Leslie Feinberg was an author and pioneer in the field of transgender studies.

William Finn, a composer and writer, creates works for the American musical theater.

Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg was an innovative and openly gay poet of the Beat movement. Image ID: 483443

Warren Hoffman’swork addresses Jewish and queer identity and race.

Jonathan Ned Katz’sworks deal with gay history and African-American Studies, and NYPL’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture holds some of his manuscripts and research materials.

Melanie Kaye-Kantrowitz’s works focus on Jews and whiteness; racism, history (including women’s history), anti-Semitism and class.

Irena Klepfisz
Irena Klepfisz addresses lesbian-feminism, the Holocaust and social justice in her work. Image ID: 1661039

Tony Kushner’sworks address homophobia, AIDS, and racism through a dramatic lens.

Adrienne Rich was a renowned poet, essayist and scholar.

David Schneer’swork concerns Jewish history and culture, while Caryn Aviv’swork deal with sociology and anthropology; together, they edited the anthologies Queer Jewsand American Queer, Now and Then.

Want to learn more?

Check out these recommended books and resources on LGBT Jewish topics.

Visit NYPL’s Digital Collections for historical portraits of LGBT writers, artists and activists, including those pictured here.

"Do you know what causes the rainbow?" Cigarette card from the George Arents Collection at NYPL. Image ID: 1519595

The Mythology of Bruno Schulz

Drohobycz. Image ID: 1226408

How did a Jewish writer, who wrote exclusively in Polish and who died in the Holocaust, become practically a cult figure of mid-20th century literature? From Drohobych (in transliteration from Ukrainian; the Polish form is Drohobycz): a small city, once in the province of Galicia in the Austro-Hungarian empire, until 1918; then the Second Polish Republic between the world wars; then occupied first by the Soviets in 1939-41, and subsequently by the Germans in 1941-44; after that, in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; and now a city of independent Ukraine. This was the home town of Bruno Schulz (1892-1942), a Jewish-Polish writer whose life, death, and afterlife have become something of a literary myth. “Myth” and words derived from it, in fact, are most often applied to his work. In the standard critical biography, Jerzy Ficowski’s Regions of the Great Heresy,​ the linkage of Schulz and “myth” is made evident. Even a quick look through Ficowski’s work turns up, besides many uses of the basic words, “myth” and “mythology,” one finds “mythic,” “mythologizer,” “mythological,” “mythical,” “mythologically,” “mythologization,” “mythologizing.” This is not only Ficowski’s invention; the idea of “myth” is one generally accepted in connection with Schulz and his writing and art.

Schulz led a life that was provincial, but he was also, after his “discovery,” deeply involved in the literary world of Poland. He taught arts and crafts in high schools, frequently referring to his “depression” over the burden this placed on his creativity. He was an artist before he was a writer; he was “discovered” by the Polish literary world only in the mid-1930s, only a few years before the outbreak of the Second World War. During the occupation by the Germans, he was forced into the Drohobych ghetto with the rest of the city’s Jews. But he also found a “protector” of a sort, a local Gestapo head, who admired his art and made use of his skills. This did not help him on 19 November 1942, when he was killed by the Germans during a “wild (that is, unplanned) murder action,” and buried in an unmarked grave. The exact site has never been identified.

The notion of “the book” which holds all of life’s mysteries is one key to Schulz’s fiction. Here begins the first story in his second and last collection of stories, Sanatorium under the Sign of the Hourglass:​

I am simply calling it The Book without any epithets or qualifications, and in this sobriety there is a shade of helplessness, a silent capitulation before the vastness of the transcendental, for no word, no allusion, can adequately suggest the shiver of fear, the presentiment of a thing without name that exceeds all our capacity for wonder. How could an accumulation of adjectives or a richness of epithets help when one is faced with that splendiferous thing? Besides, any true r​eader—and this story is only addressed to him—will understand me anyway when I look him straight in the eye and try to communicate my meaning. A short sharp look or a light clasp of his hand will stir him into awareness, and he will blink in rapture at the brilliance of The Book. For, under the imaginary table that separates me from my readers, don’t we secretly clasp each other’s hands? (“The Book”).

Schulz’s legacy can be found in in the works of a number of leading Jewish writers. Cynthia Ozick’s T​he Messiah of Stockholm​ (1987) is probably the outstanding novel extending Schulz’s legacy; he doesn’t actually appear, but his purported last writing, the manuscript of “The Messiah,” does. (This manuscript has never been found and survives as a hoped-for dream among followers of Schulz. It either never existed, or was hidden but still not found, or perhaps destroyed during the Second World War.) He also appears in the Israeli novelist David Grossman’s novel, S​ee under: Love (​1986). Perhaps the most original use is Jonathan Safran Foer’s, T​ree of Codes​(2010). T​he publisher's note states: “In order to write T​he Tree of Codes,​ the author took an English language edition of Bruno Schulz's T​he Street of Crocodiles​ and cut into its pages, carving out a new story." This doesn’t make for readability, but it’s certainly an unusual treatment!

The Street of Crocodiles and Other Stories

In Schultz’s Letters and Drawings,​we find his views on his first book (known as ​Cinnamon Shops, ​Sklepy cynamonowe, ​in Poland, and T​he Street of Crocodiles ​in the United States):

To what genre does Cinnamon Shops​ belong? How should it be classified? I think of it as an autobiographical narrative. Not only because it is written in the first person and because certain events and experiences from the author’s childhood can be discerned in it. The work is an autobiography, or rather a spiritual genealogy, a genealogy par excellence in that it follows the spiritual family tree down to those depths where it merges into mythology, to be lost in the mutterings of mythological delirium. I have always felt that the roots of the individual spirit, traced far enough down, would be lost in some matrix of myth. This is the ultimate depth; it is impossible to reach farther down.

Writing to a potential Italian publisher for Cinnamon Shops, ​Schulz said: “This book represents an attempt to recreate the history of a certain family, a certain home in the provinces, not from their actual elements, events, characters, or experiences, but by seeking their mythic content, the primal meaning of that history” (also in Letters and Drawings)​.

It seems best to conclude with the last story in Sanatorium.​ The father is a mythic character, struggling with the world, and disappears at the last, in the form of a cooked crab.

But my father’s earthly wanderings were not yet at an end, and the next installment—the extension of the story beyond permissible limits—is the most painful of all. Why didn’t he give up, why didn’t he admit that he was beaten when there was every reason to do so and when even Fate could go no farther in utterly confounding him? After several weeks of immobility in the sitting room, he somehow rallied and seemed to be slowly recovering. One morning, we found the plate empty. One leg lay on the edge of the dish, in some congealed tomato sauce and aspic that bore the traces of his escape. Although boiled and shedding his legs on the way, with his remaining strength he had dragged himself somewhere to begin a homeless wandering, and we never saw him again. (“Father’s Last Escape”).

In 2014, the Library bought a first edition of Schulz’s Sanatorium, ​now a great rarity. In 2015, meanwhile, we acquired an edition of a work by the person who served as something of a “muse” for Schulz, encouraging his work: Dvoyra Fogel (Deborah Vogel), A​kacje kwitna: Montaze​ (The Acacias Bloom: Montages).


Regions of the Great Heresy

Bruno Schulz, T​he Street of Crocodiles​(published originally in Polish under the title S​klepy cynamonowe/Cinnamon Shops),​ translated by Celina Wieniewska, 1977).

Bruno Schulz, Sanatorium under the Sign of the Hourglass (Sanatorium pod klepsydra,​ translated by Celina Wieniewska, 1978).

Jerzy Ficowski, ed., translated by Walter Arndt with Victoria Nelson, L​etters and Drawings of Bruno Schulz with Selected Prose​(Harper and Row, 1988).

Jerzy Ficowski, Regions of the Great Heresy: A Biographical Portrait,​ translated and edited by Theodosia Robertson (Norton, 2003).

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: June 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

The following new acquisitions are also available to read online by authenticating with your library card number.


50 Children: One Ordinary American Couple's Extraordinary Rescue Mission Into the Heart of Nazi Germany
Steven Pressman

Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict
John B. Judis

In Paradise: A Novel
Peter Matthiessen

Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History, and the Future of the Holy City
Michael Dumper

Why the Germans? Why the Jews? Envy, Race Hatred, and the Prehistory of the Holocaust
Götz Aly

Through Project Muse

The Clandestine History of the Kovno Jewish Ghetto Police
Introduction by Samuel D. Kassow. Translated and edited by Samuel Schalkowsky. Anonymous members of the Kovno Jewish Ghetto Police

Difference of a Different Kind: Jewish Constructions of Race During the Long Eighteenth Century
Iris Idelson-Shein

Jewish Interpretation of the Bible: Ancient and Contemporary
Karin Hedner Zetterholm

Jewish Sanctuary in the Atlantic World: A Social and Architectural History
Barry L. Stiefel

Leaving Russia: A Jewish Story
Maxim D. Shrayer

Finding Yiddish Music: A Quick Online Guide

Molly Picon
Molly Picon. Billy Rose Theatre Division, New York Public Library. Image ID: TH-43802

Use these resources to find Yiddish music online and in libraries and archives: search for sheet music, audio recordings, catalogs, and print anthologies.

Yiddish Sheet Music Online

NameDescriptionSearch termsAccess
Brown University700 pieces of digitized Yiddish sheet musicAuthor, title, keyword.Free access and download
HathiTrust98 digitized books with or about Yiddish songsAuthor, title, keyword, subject.Free access and download (where copyright allows)
Internet Archive11K+ digitized Yiddish books, audio and video from the Yiddish Book Center; also materials from YIVO and other librariesAuthor, title or keyword. Use Yiddish, English and transliterated terms such as “Yidishe lider” and “Yiddish songs” for best results.Free access and download
Library of Congress950 pieces of digitized Yiddish sheet musicAuthor, title, keyword.Free access and download
Tara PublicationsYiddish and Jewish sheet music, books and ebooks for saleSearch the category “Yiddish” - arrangement is alphabetical by titleDownloads and print books for sale
Hay-gelebt. Music by Henech Kon. Dorot Jewish Division, New York Public Library. Image ID: 435143

Audio Recordings Online

NameDescriptionHow to useAccess
Judaica Sound Archives, Florida Atlantic UniversityHundreds of albums and individual tracks of Yiddish and other Jewish music.Search or browse by artist, title or genre.Free streaming access for many items, others are excerpted or require an authorized “listening station.”
Milken Archive of Jewish Music American Jewish music archive and publisherSearch for articles and artists by name and subjectSome free content; digital and physical recordings for sale
National Jukebox Collection, Library of Congress60 commercial Yiddish song recordings.Sort by author, title, location, and more.Free streaming access
Stonehill Jewish Song CollectionBen Stonehill’s field recordings of Holocaust survivors with texts and notes, edited by Dr. Miriam Isaacs.Browse by song title or theme.Free streaming access
Yiddish Song of the Week (An-Sky Institute, Center for Traditional Music and Dance)Field recordings with texts and notes by researchers, edited by Dr. Itzik Gottesman (ongoing).Search by keyword or artist.Free streaming access
Bill Arents Collection
Bill Arents Collection, New York Public Library. Image ID: 1519225

Libraries and Archives: Shared Catalogs

Library and Archival Collections Search tips:

  1. Use the subject heading “Songs, Yiddish”
  2. Search in Yiddish (using the Hebrew alphabet) as well as transliteration (try UYIP for more information about Yiddish word processing)
  3. Vary your spelling—most publications use non-standard orthography
  4. Delve into archival finding aids to uncover deeper content; song titles and lyricists/composers may not be immediately apparent
NameDescriptionHow to search
American Jewish ArchivesJudaica library and archivesSearch by author, title, subject in catalog; also search finding aids for archival collections.
Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Sound Archive, UPenn4,000+ Yiddish and Hebrew recordingsSearch by author, title, keyword or the first line of the song.
Hebrew Union CollegeBooks, sheet music, manuscripts, recordingsSearch by author, title, subject in catalog; also search finding aids for archival collections.
Jewish Theological SeminaryMajor Judaica library and music collection with printed music and sound recordingsSearch by author, title, subject in catalog; also search finding aids for archival collections
National Library of IsraelBooks, sheet music, manuscripts, recordingsSearch by author, title, subject in catalog; also search finding aids for archival collections.
New York Public Library800+ pieces of Yiddish sheet music, plus manuscripts, song collections and recordingsSearch by author and title in English, Yiddish or transliteration. Browse call numbers *PVO and **P (Sheet Music) - limit language to Yiddish
YIVO Library,Sound Archive and Music ArchiveBooks, printed music, manuscripts, and sound recordingsSearch by author, title, subject in catalog; also search finding aids for archival collections.
NYPL 1916
NYPL in 1916. Irma and Paul Milstein Division, New York Public Library. Image ID: 1557923

Popular Yiddish Song Collections (Print)

Available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division.

Heskes, IreneYiddish American popular songs, 1895 to 1950: a catalog based on the Lawrence Marwick roster of copyright entriesCatalog of Yiddish sheet music in the Library of Congress.
Mlotek, Eleanor and JosephMir Trogn a Gezang! Songs of Generations. Pearls of Yiddish Song. New York: Workmen’s CircleAnthologies of Yiddish songs. Arranged thematically. Texts in Yiddish, transliteration and English translation. Combined index is online: A-K and L-Z
Mlotek, Eleanor and Gottlieb, MalkeYontevdike teg: liderbukh far di yidishe yontoyvim New York: Jewish Education Press, 1972Anthology of Yiddish songs organized by Jewish holidays. With Yiddish, transliteration and English translation.
Mlotek, Eleanor and Gottlieb, MalkeMir zaynen do = We are here : songs of the Holocaust New York: Arbeter-ring bildungs-komitet, 1983Anthology of Yiddish songs of the Holocaust. With Yiddish, transliteration and English translation.
Mlotek, Zalmen (music editor), Warembud, Norman (selector);The New York times great songs of the Yiddish theater. (foreword by Molly Picon) New York: Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co., c1975.A classic selection of Yiddish theater songs, arranged for voice, piano, and guitar. Lyrics are transliterated.
Vinkovetsky, A. et al.Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1983.In Yiddish, Hebrew and English. Arranged thematically. Includes volumes for Mordecai Gebirtig, Mark Warshawsky and Itzik Manger.

Need additional help? Contact us at dorotjewish@nypl.org or view the full Yiddish Research Bibliography.

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: July 2015


Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: August 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

The following new acquisitions are also available to read online by authenticating with your library card number.

Through Project Muse

Colonial Jerusalem: The Spatial Construction of Identity and Difference in A City of Myth, 1948-2012 by Thomas Philip Abowd

That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South by Caroline E. Light

Tradition and the Formation of the Talmud by Moulie Vidas

We Called Him Rabbi Abraham: Lincoln and American Jewry, A Documentary History

Through Oxford Scholarship Online

Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era by Julia Phillips Cohen


Jabotinsky: A Life by Hillel Halkin

That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South by Caroline E. Light

The Treblinka Death Camp: History, Biographies, Remembrance

Jewish Genealogy: A Quick Online Guide


Find out how to get information about your Jewish roots. Links to vital records, Holocaust resources, name origins, and Jewish genealogy collections.

Vital records

Birth, death, immigration, census, military service, civil marriage, and school records.

Trajes y objetos domesticos, de culto y de musica de los Hebreos. Image ID: 1621139
ResourceDescriptionHow to use
Ancestrylibrary.comComprehensive genealogy site for vital records, especially U.S. sources; includes some scanned documentsSearch for individuals by name; add dates, places and other details to refine search.
JewishGenComprehensive, global Jewish genealogy site with databases, town sites, yizkor book translations, and research groups.Search databases for names and places, research towns, and register to connect with similar researchers.
SephardicGen/JewishGen Sephardic GenealogyComprehensive global site arranged by country, family name, topic. Includes information on Inquisition archives and numerous links.Search by name, country, or topic.
Stephen Morse One-StepSearch tools/shortcuts for finding vital records, and navigating calendars, maps, foreign alphabets and soundex.Choose topics and enter data.
Zionist yeshiva, 1910. Image ID: 5038825


Find information about individuals, communities, and their fate during the Holocaust.

ResourceDescriptionHow to use
International Tracing ServiceCenter for documentation, information and research on Nazi persecution, forced labor and the Holocaust.Search inventories online; submit forms to request information.
United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumIncludes exhibitions, research resources, educational programs and resources, leadership training and commemorations.Search databases, find resources for survivors and victims, explore research and educational resources.
Yad Vashem - Central Database of Shoah Victims NamesWorld center for documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust.Search for names and places of Shoah (Holocaust) victims; submit information. Automated translations.
Yizkor Books Online700 yizkor books from NYPL and the Yiddish Book Center.Search by town or city name.
Yizkor Book Project (JewishGen)Bibliographic database and translations of yizkor books.Search by town or city name, country and region, check necrology database.
Ketubbah. Calcutta, 1866. Image ID: 1238123

Name Origins

Beider, AlexanderA dictionary of Ashkenazic given names: their origins, structure, pronunciation, and migrations
Beider, AlexanderA dictionary of Jewish surnames from Galicia
A dictionary of Jewish surnames from the Kingdom of Poland
A dictionary of Jewish surnames from the Russian Empire
Faiguenboim, Guilherme, Valadares, Paulo
Campagnano, Anna Rosa
Dicionário sefaradi de sobrenomes : inclusive cristãos novos, conversos, marranos, italianos, berberes e sua história na Espanha, Portugal e Itália = Dictionary of Sephardic surnames : including Christianized Jews, Conversos, Marranos, Italians, Berbers, and their history in Spain, Portugal and Italy
Ackman-Ziff Family Genealogy InstituteReference Books on Jewish names (PDF)
AvotaynuConsolidated Jewish Surname Index (online database)
Habit of a Polish Jewess in 1766. Femme Juixe Polonoise. Image ID: 1638368

Jewish Genealogy Collections

Ackman-Ziff Family Genealogy InstituteJewish genealogy resources at the Center for Jewish History, serving the
American Jewish ArchivesAmerican Jewish history and archives, including genealogy resources
AvotaynuJewish genealogy (online resource and print publications)
Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Jerusalem)Jewish history and genealogy
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS)Jewish genealogy
JewishGenJewish genealogy, vital records, regional genealogy, yizkor books
Jewish Historical Institute (ZIH) Polish Jewry, including genealogy

Yiddish Theater Research: A Quick Online Guide

Joseph Buloff
Joseph Buloff. Billy Rose Theatre Division, New York Public Library. Image ID: 115334

General Works

Digital Yiddish Theatre ProjectA research consortium and website applying digital humanities tools and methods to the study of Yiddish theatre and drama.
Sandrow, Nahma.
Vagabond Stars: A World History of Yiddish Theater.
A classic, highly readable and informative overview of Yiddish theater.
Sandrow, Nahma. Yiddish Theater in the United States (Encyclopedia of Jewish Women)Overview of Yiddish theater in the United States with an emphasis on women’s participation.
YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern EuropeA concise yet comprehensive overview of Yiddish theater in Eastern Europe
Zylbercweig, Zalmen.
Leksikon fun Yidishn Teater
Index by Faith Jones (NYPL)
Comprehensive reference work on Yiddish theater. Use the index to find entries on individuals, theatrical companies, movements, and unions.
Scene from Kidesh Ha-Shem
Scene from the Yiddish Theatre stage production of Kiddush Hashem, 1928. Image ID: ps_the_cd49_746


Dorot Jewish Division, NYPL:
Index to Yiddish plays (Faith Jones)
Manuscript finding aid
Dorot Jewish Division,
New York Public Library
Search the call number *PTP in the catalog for Yiddish plays in original and translation
The Lawrence Marwick Collection of Copyrighted Yiddish Plays at The Library of Congress: An Annotated Bibliography
By Zachary M. Baker With the assistance of Bonnie Sohn
Index of Yiddish play manuscripts submitted to the Library of Congress
Library of Congress:
Yiddish-language playscripts
77 online Yiddish play manuscripts.
Mestel, Jacob.
70 Yor Teater-Repertuar: Tsu der Geshikhte fun Yidishn Teater in Amerike.
--. Undzer Teater. Nyu-York:
Search indices for play titles and authors; they guide you to the text where you can find out date of first production, stars, and sometimes other production history.
National Jewish Theater Foundation - Holocaust Theater Catalog Catalog of 600+ plays on Holocaust themes, including works in Yiddish, English, and other languages.
Yiddish Book Center - Spielberg Digital Library (Internet Archive)11K+ items including Yiddish plays, dramas, and related literature
YIVO Yiddish Theater Collection
(Internet Archive)
616 Yiddish theater items (mostly plays)
Bertha Kalich
Bertha Kalich. Billy Rose Theatre Division, New York Public Library. Image ID: TH-25321


American Jewish Committee Oral History Collection
Dorot Jewish Division,
New York Public Library
2,500 oral history interviews, including with Yiddish actors
Online: Theodore Bikel, Lillian Lux Burstein, Joseph Buloff, Luba Kadison, Molly Picon and Jacob Kalich, Josepj Mlotek, Zero Mostel, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Michael Tilson Thomas, Richard Tucker
Audio and print:
Celia Adler, Sholem Asch, Moses Asch, Jacob Ben-Ami, Minna Bern, Ben Bonus, Mike Burstyn, Herschel Bernardi, Jacob Jacobs, Miriam Kressyn, Baruch Lumet, Mascha Benya Matz, Jack Rechtzeit, Seymour Rexsite, Lulla Adler Rosenfeld, Nahma Sandrow
Landis, Joseph.
Memoirs of the Yiddish Stage
Reminiscenses of the Yiddish theatre / David Kessler
Celia Adler recalls / Celia Adler
From the Melody remains / Sholem Secunda
From Around the world with Yiddish theatre / Herman Yablokoff
From What a life! / Pesakh'ke Burstein
First Yiddish theatre ventures in New York City / Marvin L. Seiger
NYPL CatalogKeyword search:
Yiddish theater biography”:
Yiddish actors biography”:
Jewish actors biography
Wexler Oral History Project,
Yiddish Book Center
Keyword search: “Yiddish Theater
Category: Musicians, Actors, and Artists
Zylbercweig, Zalmen.
Leksikon fun Yidishn Teater.
Index by Faith Jones (NYPL)
A comprehensive source for Yiddish theater research, including biographies of individual actors, directors, composers and playwrights.
Broken Violin
Boris Thomashefsky, Celia Adler, and Lazar Freed in "The Broken Violin." Image ID: 1689994


Albom fun Idishn teaterAlbum of the Yiddish theater, by Zalmen Zylbercweig, with captions in Yiddish and English.
Center for Jewish History:
Yiddish Theater Collection
Link to collection finding aids, online images, and catalog records for hundreds of Yiddish theater items. Includes 300 online images.
Digital EuropeanaUse keywords “Jidisz” and “Yiddish Theater” to find digitized posters and other items
Esther Rokhl Kaminska Theater Museum - YIVO Institute for Jewish ResearchLarge collection including posters and photographs of Jewish theater in Poland and other countries before World War II.
Museum of the City of New York - Digital GalleryImages and photographs from the Yiddish theater in New York.
Oysfarkoyft = Sold out!
ed. Silvia Hansman, Susana Skura, Gabriela Kogan ; [translation Jane Brodie].
Collection of Yiddish theater posters from Argentina.
Yiddish Poster Collection
(University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) -
Digitized Yiddish theater posters from Eastern Europe, especially Latvia.
Yiddish Theater in LondonAn illustrated overview of Yiddish theater in London, from the Jewish Museum of London.
Yiddish Theater Placards
NYPL Digital Collections
Yiddish theater posters from New York and Buenos Aires. Use keywords “Yiddish theater” and actors’ names to find photographs and more.
Yoshe Kalb
Yoshe Kalb, adapted from the novel by I. J. Singer, in the Yiddish Art Theatre. Billy Rose Theatre Division,New York Public Library.


Archive GridUse keywords “Yiddish theater” and names of actors to find archival collections.
American Jewish ArchivesUse keyword search for “Yiddish theater”
Center for Jewish History: Electronic Finding AidsSearch finding aids for archival collections.
Museum of the City of New YorkFinding aid for the Yiddish theater collection at the Museum of the City of New York.
National Library of IsraelUse keyword search for “Yiddish Theater Archives

טהעאטער יידיש

YIVO - Sidney Krum Jewish Music and Yiddish Theater Memorial Collections
Guide to the YIVO Archives
Search by keyword or actors’ names.

Need more?

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: October 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

 The Early Jews and Muslims of England and Wales
 Exit Berlin
Festivals of Faith
The Bible and Hellenism

Bible And Hellenism: Greek Influence On Jewish And Early Christian Literature edited by Thomas L. Thompson

Early Jews And Muslims Of England And Wales: A Genetic And Genealogical History by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman

Edith Bruck In The Mirror: Fictional Transitions And Cinematic Narratives by Philip Balma

Exit Berlin: How One Woman Saved Her Family From Nazi Germany by Charlotte Bonelli 

Festivals Of Faith: Reflections On The Jewish Holidays by Norman Lamm

 Grandma Elmaleh's Moroccan Cookbook
 In God's Shadow
 How to Accept German Reparations
 May God Remember

Grandma Elmaleh's Moroccan Cookbook by Lisa Elmaleh Craig

Harry Fischel, Pioneer Of Jewish Philanthropy: Forty Years Of Struggle For A Principle And The Years Beyond

How To Accept German Reparations by Susan Slyomovics (also available through Project Muse)

In God's Shadow: Politics In The Hebrew Bible by Michael Walzer

May God Remember = Yizkor: Memory And Memorializing In Judaism edited by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman

 Poetic Trespass
 Postwar Jewish Displacement and Rebirth, 1945-1967
A Question of Tradition
 Scripture and Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls
 Theology of Migration in the Abrahamic Religions

Poetic Trespass: Writing Between Hebrew And Arabic In Israel/Palestine by Lital Levy

Postwar Jewish Displacement And Rebirth, 1945-1967 edited by Francoise S. Ouzan

Question Of Tradition: Women Poets In Yiddish, 1586-1987 by Kathryn Hellerstein (also available through Stanford Scholarship Online)

Scripture And Law In The Dead Sea Scrolls by Alex P. Jassen

Theology Of Migration In The Abrahamic Religions edited by Elaine Padilla

Yiddish Songs From Warsaw 1920-1934: The Itzik Zhelonek Collection

Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: November 2015


The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division. Catalog entries for the books can be found by clicking on their covers.

Becoming Un-Orthodox
Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe
Jewish-Greek Tradition
Making of Jewish Revolutionaries
Migrating Tales
Poverty, Charity, and Image of the Poor
Scots Jews
Spanish Attitudes Towards Jerusalem
Tales of Three Cities
Traditional Society in Transition
A Vocabulary of Desire
Urban Origins of American Judaism

Becoming Un-Orthodox: Stories Of Ex-hasidic Jews by Lynn Davidman

Ben-Gurion: Father Of Modern Israel by Anita Shapira (also available as e-book)

Disappeared Science: Biographical Dictionary Of Jewish Scholars From Bohemia And Moravia by Michal V. Šimůne (ed.)

I Thought I'd Never Taste This Again by Mercedes Castiel

Jewish Culture In Early Modern Europe by Richard I. Cohen (ed.)

Jewish-Greek Tradition In Antiquity And The Byzantine Empire edited by James K. Aitken

Maimonides And The Shaping Of The Jewish Canon by James A. Diamond

Making Of Jewish Revolutionaries In The Pale Of Settlement by Inna Shtakser

Mame-loshn fun Naḥum Sṭuṭshḳoṿ: redaḳṭirṭ fun Leyzer Burḳo

Migrating Tales: The Talmud's Narratives And Their Historical Context by Richard Kalmin

Our City!: Jewish Vienna -- Then To Now by Werner Hanak-Lettner (published)

Poverty, Charity And The Image Of The Poor In Rabbinic Texts From The Land Of Israel by Yael Wilfand

Scots Jews: Identity, Belonging And The Future photographs by Judah Passow

Spanish Attitudes Toward Judaism by Adolfo Kuznitzk

Tales Of Three Cities: Urban Jewish Cultures In London, Berlin, And Paris (c. 1880-1940) by Tobias Metzler

Traditional Society In Transition: The Yemeni Jewish Experience by Bat-Zion Eraqi Klorman

Urban Origins Of American Judaism by Deborah Dash Moore (also available as e-book through Project Muse)

Vocabulary Of Desire: The Song Of Songs In The Early Synagogue by Laura S. Lieber

Viewing all 99 articles
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